Lincoln Chiropractor Car accidents
Lincoln Chiropractor talks car accidents and how an injure is not always noticed at the time of the car accident.
By Matthew J. DeGaetano, DC and Jason C. McCullough, DC
Certified in Whiplash and Brain Traumatology
Certified Colossus Consultant
Colossus and permanent impairments:
from Computer Science Corporation: “Colossus® is the insurance industry’s
leading expert system for assisting adjusters in the evaluation of bodily injury
2 claims.
Lincoln Chiropractor Car accidents
Colossus provides adjusters access to your company’s claims data within a
defined business process management framework for evaluating injuries,
treatment, resolution, impairment and general damage settlements. Colossus helps
your adjusters reduce variance in payouts on similar bodily injury claims.
Your adjusters can quickly interpret medical reports and look up definitions of
injuries, treatments, complications and permanent impairments using AMA 5th
edition data. Through a series of interactive questions, Colossus guides your
adjusters through an objective evaluation of medical treatment options, degree of
pain and suffering, degree of permanent impairment to the claimant’s body, and
the impact of the injury on the claimant’s lifestyle. At the conclusion of a Colossus
consultation, a summary of the claim is provided, including a recommended
settlement range.”
Here are some interesting facts about Colossus. Muscle spasm is considered to be
the only objective finding for musculoligamentous injury. Permanent impairment
for the neck or spine must be viewed skeptically unless confirmed by a specialist
or IME. No permanent impairment is recognized for pain. If the doctor makes a
“possible” diagnosis, it is not entered. The rules for this system are not in keeping
with the clinical or epidemiological literature, the AMA Guidelines, or other
recognized authorities, such as the World Health Organization. These are just a
few of the dubious methodologies employed by Colossus.
All insurers have their own definitions of the severity points in terms of dollar
values, and these vary by economic region. Many of the myths and misconceptions
surrounding whiplash have apparently been programmed into Colossus. For
example, delays of seeking care red flag the system and alert the insurer to the
possibility of malingering. I suspect the designers of the software were acutely
aware of who their market was and what they wanted in terms of output.
An in-depth discussion of Colossus, including the numerous value drivers, is well
beyond the scope of this article.
Lincoln Chiropractor Car accidents
End of part 1….. Part 2 to follow….
If you have been in a car accident give us a call 402-488-0288