CALL: 402-488-0288

Detox Foot Bath

Complete Health Chiropractic 2120 south 56th St., Suite 101, Lincoln, NE, United States

10 am to 5:45 pm Please call to schedule an appointment at 402-488-0288.

Vital Shift – Second Report of Findings

Complete Health Chiropractic 2120 south 56th St., Suite 101, Lincoln, NE, United States

The doctor has a class that talks about what is Chiropractic and how you and him work to get you functioning good.

Family and Friends Quick Check

Complete Health Chiropractic 2120 south 56th St., Suite 101, Lincoln, NE, United States

Have your family members and or friends come in and get a quick scan check done.

Nutrition and Muscle Testing

Complete Health Chiropractic 2120 south 56th St., Suite 101, Lincoln, NE, United States

Nutrition and Muscle Testing to determine if one is lacking in any nutrients the body needs.  

Detox Footbath

Complete Health Chiropractic 2120 south 56th St., Suite 101, Lincoln, NE, United States

Detox footbath pulls out 10% toxins from your body through your feet.

Family and Friends Quick Check

Complete Health Chiropractic 2120 south 56th St., Suite 101, Lincoln, NE, United States

10 am to 5:45 pm Please call for an appointment at 402-488-0288.