Relief for Neck pain

Neck care basics: An experts gentle program for relief of neck pain. YOU suffer from neck pain, you are in good company with two thirds of the population of the US who will also suffer with neck pain at some point.

People who suffer with neck problems will usually have sharp or dull pain on movement and can feel sharp pain radiating into the head, often causing a headache. In some cases pain, numbness or tingling may also radiate into the upper arm, lower arm, hands or fingers. Problems with the neck can also cause discomfort in between the shoulder blades as well.In severe cases, it can lead to muscle wasting, and constant, unrelenting numbness and tingling down to the tip of the fingers. Left untreated, the constant aching and pain can rapidly wear you down and drain the joy out of life.Over the years the first line for dealing with neck problems has been to take over the counter pain killers and anti-inflammatory drugs. Accepting the inevitable side effects in return for meager reductions in pain and a mild increase in comfort.

That is, until now…Recent advances in the treatment of neck problems have led to the development and huge success of Non-Surgical Corrective Spinal Care. The excellent results of this treatment have been published in major medical journals. With some doctors recommending their patients try this treatment first before resorting to drug therapy.

In Lincoln, you can try Non-Surgical Corrective Spinal Care at Complete Health Chiropractic – the office of neck pain relief expert Dr. Jason C. McCullough .Dr. Jason and his team of fully trained spinal care specialists have helped over 3,000 patients find relief from their neck problems.

According to Dr. Jason, “We use a combination of ultra-advanced technology, not found elsewhere in Lincoln, for precisely diagnosing the cause of your neck problem and a unique program for reconstructing the damaged area causing the pain; this means superior long-term results for most people.” Because the treatment is non-surgical, drug free, safe and easy, most patients report an almost immediate relief from their pain.


Patient Jennifer L. from Lincoln says, “I have suffered with neck pain for many years and I’ve just kind of put up with it. Recently I woke up one morning and it was worse than ever. I even had tingling in the tip of my thumb and first finger.I saw your ad in the paper and I thought what have I got to lose? Until CHC got rid of my neck problems I just had no idea how much it had taken over my life. I can’t believe I put up with it for so long. My tingling thumb and finger are completely better too!”My advice, don’t suffer a moment longer…

– Multi-disciplinary clinical team with 34 years combined experience

– Over 15,000 people helped over 16 years

– Friendly and caring environment-

– Electromyographic scans

– Thermographic scans

– Computer analysed digital x-rays

– State of the art therapy